Ranila Jain Mandir(Charkhi Dadri)
Ranila is a village in the Charkhi Dadri district of the Indian state of Haryana.Bhagwan Adinath Digambar Jain Atishaya Kshetra is located at Adinath Puram, Ranilla. The magnificent temple is considered very miraculous. The Moolnayak is an orange color idol with Adinath carved in the center and the rest 23 Tirthankars on 3 sides. It is believed that these idols are 1400–1500 years old.
Contact Details
Address: Charkhidadri
Website URL: https://charkhidadri.gov.in

How to Reach
By Air
The nearest airport to Ranila Jain Mandir is Indira Gandhi International Airport,New Delhi which is 97 kilometres away from Ranila Jain Mandir.
By Train
The nearest railway station to Ranila Jain Mandir is Charkhi Dadri railway station which is 21 kilometres away from Ranila Jain Mandir.
By Road
The nearest bus stop to Ranila Jain Mandir is Bond kalan bus stop which is 11 kilometres away from Ranila Jain Mandir.